Hari ini (15/6) kakak mahasiswa MIP mengikuti konferensi dan seminar nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh perpustakaan UNAIR dengan tema Library, Leadership, and The Future Reflection on Library Dengan pemateri Seminar Nasional antara lain Prof. Rahma Sugihartati, M.Si. dan Ida Fajar Priyanto, M.A., Ph.D.
Sciences have grown up rapidly to solve problems and complexity of current life in the world. Most of the sciences can no longer stand on their own. Even one science needs to adopt knowledge from other sciences. They growth of science varies from one area to another and this is important for scientist to be aware of the outliers, clusters, and trends of sciences. In fact, sciences have developed into such complexity due their interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, crossdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. However, this disciplinarity has not been well understood in Indonesia. Meanwhile science mapping-the visualization of the scholarly communication activity and scientific development-has been of interest among scholars focusing on the development of sciences world-wide. Indonesian academicians lack of knowledge in disciplinarity and scientific development, therefore most academicians still base their idea of science development as merely Pohon Ilmu (science tress), in which each science develops by itself without any relations to other sciences.
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